Licensing Programs!

A Simple Way to Determine if Your Music is Ready for Sync

Like so many independent musicians, for years I struggled to get traction in the traditional music industry.  I send my songs to publishers, and my albums to record labels… I set up meetings every few months, but got turned down over and over again.

Even though my recordings were pro quality, my songs just weren’t getting me anywhere.  It was frustrating and disheartening

But then I started playing guitar on TV Shows for a few composers, and learned that there is a whole other world out there for music not related to the traditional music industry.  I gave a supervisor one of my albums, and two weeks later had a featured placement on a widely popular primetime show.  This first placement completely changed the trajectory of my career…

If you're ever stuck wondering if your music is ready for sync, the easiest, quickest, and most effective way of determining this is by either playing your music behind scenes in TV shows, or writing music to scenes on TV.

For additional insight into successfully writing to TV shows, here are 5 Essentials to Ensure Your Music is Ideal for Sync Placements.

Grab Five Email Templates For Pitching Your Music!